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Fishing With Poppa 
Fishing With Poppa
Growing up a mile from the famous Suwannee River, fishing was a part of life.  It was another way to put food on the table that was healthy and inexpensive.  When I was a young child, Papa would advise me, "son we are going fishing this afternoon".  The day would be filled with anticipation and the task of making sure the $2 cane poles were rigged and ready for the adventure.  I did not know until I was much older that rod and reel existed.  As far as I knew cane poles were what all people used to catch fish.  Papa said so!

  About four hours before dark we would gather up all the fishing gear, a hoe and can and start out to the Suwannee River swamp.  I still do not know to this day why he insisted on walking that mile, unless he was saving our carbon credits.  While en route to the Suwannee River we would stop and dig earth worms to use for bait, Papa did not believe in artificial fishing bait.  As far as I knew stores did not sell bait anyway!  Imagine my surprise when I first saw fish bait in stores!  

     When we reached the Suwannee River, at that time it was unchanged and had not been altered by civilization.  We would bait our hooks and began to fish for hours.  Papa would make me be quiet as if the fish had ears and would be able to hear me talking.  I still think it was because he enjoyed the peacefulness of the Suwannee River.  It was Papas' way of escaping the little civilization that existed back then to a place where he could reflect on his life.  As a small child I would jerk the line out of the water as soon as the cork began to move, thus jerking the hook from the fish.  It amazed me how Papa would know when to pull his line in and always have a fish on it.  He would just advise me "son wait till the fish is on your hook", as if I should be able to see through the water.  In time his message sank in and I slowed down, then I was able to harvest the elusive swimming creatures.  To this day I remember how peaceful it was fishing with Papa on the banks of the Suwannee River.  I remember that he would keep every fish we caught no matter how big or small they were.  When he figured we had enough for a meal he would say "son lets go home and clean the fish".  This would baffle me again for the fish were still biting and we were still catching them.

     As I reflect back to that peaceful time I realize he was teaching me to be patient and enjoy what god had created for all to enjoy.  He was also pounding in that important lesson, "if you gonna to catch em you gonna eat em". 

     Upon further reflection, I am positive that when I am setting in a tree stand for hours observing all of gods' creatures, I learned how to be patient from when Papa would take me fishing, when I was just a small child.  The beauty of nature reminds me of Papa a lot and my mind does wander back to the simple cane pole fishing trips with him.  I am sure he is watching over me now, for every time I think I want to harvest an animal or fish, I can hear his voice reminding me "son if you gonna shoot or catch it you gonna eat it".  Several times this has made me put the safety back on my 308 rifle, and relax as I watch the beauty of the deer feeding in the wild, for I knew he would not approve of me just taking the animal because I could.

     At Wilderness Calls we have strived to live by this rule also. No animal is harvested and left to lie on the ground.  The beauty of nature and the creatures in it are too wonderful to just destroy for the thrill of killing it.

Grandpa & Grandma Redneck
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Double  D  Gravity Deer Feeder and Wild Hog Trap Eliminator Gate
Redneck Guru's Quote of the Week

He who starts a camp fire with gasoline will become bald.